
Movement Matters


The modern world has led to a lifestyle of sedentary activities for most people. During our free time we are often sitting in front of a computer, watching TV, playing video games, or sharing our lives through a screen. Even our jobs have us spending long hours sitting at a desk.

Yet physical fitness remains an incredibly important habit for taking care of our bodies, so we are inundated with messages of “workout more,” “hit the gym,” and “run a 5k.” For many, these fitness activities are out of reach due to time, budget, or ability. And the messages we are bombarded with are intimidating, vague, and frustrating. That’s why I promote and believe in daily movement.

Just like eating healthy, daily movement isn’t about how much or how hard. It’s about consistency. Everyone is at a different point in their health journey, so I simply challenge my clients to be active.

For some that is taking a daily walk in the neighborhood, stretching each morning, or joining on online beginners’ yoga class. For others that’s a sweat session at the gym, an intense ride on the Peloton, or training for a marathon.

I encourage you to take some time to review where you are at in YOUR journey and think about what type of movement you can add to your lifestyle as a starting point. If you need some accountability or someone to coach you along the way, I’m here to help.

Weekly Work Out Tracker
Home Workouts
Outdoor Workouts
Gym Workouts

Work out ideas

  • Workout Video
  • Treadmill or Elliptical
  • Plan a Tabata Workout
  • Take a Walk
  • Explore Pinterest for Home Workout Routines
  • Go to the Gym
  • Hire a Trainer
  • Get Outdoors
  • Play with your Kids at the Park
  • Go for a Run
  • Go Biking
  • Go Paddle Boarding
  • Go Kayaking
  • Go Hiking
  • Play Tag with your Children
  • Mow the lawn


  • Get up from your chair and move around at least once an hour.
  • Stand when you are talking on the phone.
  • Find out whether your company can get you a stand-up or treadmill desk.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Use your break or part of your lunch hour to walk around the building.
  • Have a walking meeting instead of a meeting at your desks.

“You do not have to be great to start but, you have to start to be great.”

Zig Ziglar