I love to have my kids in the kitchen cooking with me. First it started because I thought all the measuring was some of their basic math skills and over the years it has turn into more education for their health. Having conversations with them about the differences in ingredients and how they can help our body or maybe why we do not cook with certain ingredients anymore. Having them involved has definitely helped in our lifestyle change. In our home we eat clean my kids are about 75% clean, I do not make them a separate meal they eat what I prepare. I love that I am helping set that foundation for them to have a long healthy life!
This last weekend it was my 8year old daughter Lauren in the kitchen with me. We made a clean apple crisp, banana bars (which need some changes before I can share that recipe) and a easier scone recipe.
For some reason I think scones are fun but some of the recipes I have found are so complex, and if you have ever notice the recipes I come up with or use are very simple ingredients.