The Back Up Plan

You hear this all the time . . . .
Take Sunday to plan and prep your meals!
Lets be real, some of us are not able to prep every Sunday with being out of town for the weekend or maybe at one of our kids activities. There is just not always time for planning and prepping.
 When we take the time to plan and prep we are able keep on track with eating clean meals. However you have a few busy Sundays and you may find yourself back to quick and not so healthy meals.  I found a simple back up plan.  Create 4 weeks of easy clean dinner ideas, put them on recipe cards and keep them in a convenient spot.  I keep mine on the counter in a crafty recipe holder my daughter made for me. You can also tape them inside your cupboard door.
 Pictured: My recipe holder with my 4 week back up plan and clean eating cook book. Inside the cookbook is a list of meal ideas.
Pictured: 4 week back up plan. Super Easy meals.
Next Sunday when you are out of town or whatever it may be, you can come home to knowing that you can select a weekly meal plan from one of your back up plans.
Tips for having a successful back up plan:
1. You want to select meals for your back up plan with ingredients that you typically have in your house.
2. Do not get stuck always using your back up plan, but do use as a tool or reference when creating a new meal plans.
3. If you make a weekly meal plan and it was a hit, KEEP it and use it again in a few weeks. Why throw it away? It took time to plan and worked!
4. If you find yourself eating the same things over and over make a goal. Example: In March I will make a new recipe for dinner once a week!
5. Make a double batch of your favorite meal and freeze. This will always help during your unplanned moments.
6. Make sure there is a variety in your planning; Such at Meatless Mondays, Fish on Tue., Beef on Wed., Turkey on Thur. and Chicken on Fri.  You do not want to eat the same types of food every meal.
Living a Clean and Healthy lifestyle does not mean you have to be prefect!
Just continue to try, prep and plan! With that you will have greater success.
Happy Meal Planning, Nichole

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