I cannot take credit for this recipe. My oldest son, Devin created these a few weeks ago. I gave him a few ideas of what to put in it and he came up with the . . .
Very Berry Popsicles
1 c. Vanilla Organic Yogurt
1 c. Frozen Triple Berries (strawberry, blueberry and raspberries)
2 tablespoons Almond Milk
1 tablespoon Raw Honey
Take the berries out of the freezer let thaw half way, then mix all 4 ingredients together, you will want to mash up the berries a little. Pour into Popsicle holders and freeze.
Enjoy when Frozen!!!
Devin’s sister Lauren and cousins Jayda and Alexis Approved.
I did notice that these Popsicles are very filling for kids. It is nice to have smaller Popsicle holders.
From our Clean Kitchen to yours . . . get your kids involved in healthy cooking you never know what they will create!!